How we categorise our products

We have grouped our products into three categories. Get to know them below here.


This is an original and unique item. It is particularly rare due to the materials used, the patina, the stamp or the limited production. Shown is a 1950s easy chair in original patinated leather from the first original manufacturer, E. Kold Christensen.


This is a second-hand item that appears new, is naturally patinated or can be customised to your wishes. Shown is a reupholstered 'Egg' chair by Arne Jacobsen that is just as new. Items in this category can often be modified as you wish.

New production

This is a newly produced item, which complements our large range of second-hand, classic furniture. The furniture is either produced by Klassik Studio or carefully curated by our purchasers. Shown is Poul Volther's ‘King’s Chair' from 1952, which has been relaunched by Klassik Studio.

Danish furniture classics from the 20th century boast timeless designs that remain relevant today, embodying sustainability.

Meet our employees

At KLASSIK, we have a team of highly skilled employees, each with their own knowledge and experience.

Thomas Schlosser

CEO & Owner

Vibeke Svendsen

Store Manager

Stefan Jensen

Assistant Store Manager

Niklas Søgaard

Communications & Sales

Andreas Rosenlind


Lasse Carlseng
